Tributo en la Argentina post-dictadura: los “muertos por la subversión”

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Sandra Gayol
Gabriel Kessler


The article studies the place of Tributo in the ‘80s, news bulletin of FAMUS (Familiares y Amigos de Muertos por la Subversión) in the claim of recognition for military action in the last dictatorship and repression before 1976. The central idea is that the search for legitimacy in the public space is structured according to particular forms of killing and dying. That allows, in turn, to establish a radical opposition between the own victims and the ones of the opposite camp. It is shown the Tributo‘s plasticity to the changing situation of the years of democratic transition, in particular the ways that were building strategies of repression advocates. This article attempts to show the lines of continuity between Tributo and current forms of claims of recognition


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How to Cite
Gayol, S., & Kessler, G. (2011). Tributo en la Argentina post-dictadura: los “muertos por la subversión”. Sociohistórica, (29). Retrieved from