Discursos, memorias y verdades. Algunas reflexiones acerca del juicio por delitos de lesa humanidad cometidos en la Norpatagonia

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Pablo Scatizza


The realization of the public trial to the military leaders of the crimes against humanity, committeed in the Comahue region during the civil-military dictatorship was characterized by a strong tension in the discourses tha constitute it. A tension given for four differents narratives about what had happened during that period of the argentinian history on wich, at the same time, support and build the different collective memories that are recieved, transmitted, reproduced and rebuild about that period. In this article, I discribe the characteristics of this trial carried out in Neuquén city in 2008, and I explain how these narratives were articulated in the parties presentations in the oral debate. I reflect, finally, about the ways in wich historical truth articulates within right and memory


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Scatizza, P. (2011). Discursos, memorias y verdades. Algunas reflexiones acerca del juicio por delitos de lesa humanidad cometidos en la Norpatagonia. Sociohistórica, (29). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/shn29a06