" ¿Qué habrí­a pasado si hubiéramos ganado?" Aproximaciones a las memorias de militancias y derrotas después del exilio

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María Soledad Lastra


This article explores the different memories and representations on militancy and defeat of Argentine exiles in Mexico. The objective will be to investigate which and how are the current representations that produce a particular group of former political migrants: Argentines, who once initiated the democratic opening in 1983, didn’t come back to their homeland country, and they are currently living in Mexico. This work is based on ten interviews made between 2009 and 2010 in Mexico City, in order to inquire into the imaginary and subjective representations referred to the particular experience of this group during the exile. In the reconstruction of these memories emerge some tensions that are important to the current representations about the exile. In particular, the text addresses the diverse views that the exiles have with regard to a draft law that seeks to compensate them for their political migration


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How to Cite
Lastra, M. S. (2011). " ¿Qué habrí­a pasado si hubiéramos ganado?" Aproximaciones a las memorias de militancias y derrotas después del exilio. Sociohistórica, (29). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/shn29a05

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