The “wrong” exits and Franz Kafka. Reflections of the young Siegfried Kracauer (1926-1933) on life under monopolistic capitalism
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The purpose of this paper is to explore a series of texts written by the young Siegfried Kracauer between 1926 and 1933 in order to give an account of his position regarding the crisis of the present, marked by the collapse of the old bourgeois order after the end of the Great War in 1918 and the rise of monopoly capitalism. Thus, on the one hand, we discuss his rejection of the notions of Bildung and community as ideological constructions that can no longer offer an authentic way out of the epochal upheaval; and, on the other, we describe the ironic-realist alternative proposed by Kracauer, from which it is possible to understand the reason for his original profane interest in the literary work of an author like Franz Kafka, with whom he shares the gesture of the estranged gaze regarding the world of bourgeois alienations.
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