The Archetype of the Eastern Jew in Joseph Roth

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Leonor Eliana Salaverría


This paper aims to analyze the configuration of the Eastern Jew archetype in Joseph Roth’s essays. For this purpose, the focus will be on the work in which the author deals more extensively with this issue: Wandering Jews (1927). It will be postulated that this archetype was not employed by Roth in isolation, but that the appreciation of Eastern Jewish ways of life and Hasidic philosophy was part of a heterogeneous stream of assimilated Jewish intellectuals from Central Europe. For this reason, Roth's work will be considered within the intellectual context of the interwar period, and will be compared with the work of two other authors who had an enormous impact on the revitalization of Hasidism in the twentieth century: Walter Benjamin and Martin Buber. This comparison will make it possible to establish some specificities in Rothian approaches. It will be hypothesized that Roth's conceptualizations of the archetypes of the Eastern Jew are closely related to his particular characterization of the traditional West-East dichotomy, and to the centrality of the outsider figure in his work.


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Salaverría, L. E. (2023). The Archetype of the Eastern Jew in Joseph Roth. Sociohistórica, (52), e202.
Dosier: Teoría crítica y crisis: construcciones intelectuales frente a las crisis históricas


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