Bodies and affections in pandemic. Experiences of fear

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Daniela Camezzana
Verónica Capasso
Ana Sabrina Mora
Mariana Sáez


This paper aims to study some body experiences and affects during the COVID-19 pandemic, through the analysis of the data collected by focus groups carried out within the scientific project "Research Program of the Contemporary Argentine Society. The social and human sciences in the COVID-19 crisis”. This article starts by considering that affections are collective emotions, as well as a type of experience and a corporeal capacity, produced under specific material conditions. From this view, this work delves into the words with which people from different generations referred to their life experience and affections during the pandemic's course. It is considered that it could prove useful in rethinking the prevailing ideas on pandemic, vaccination, the fears in people's life and the body-affections relationship in the context of the global pandemic.


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How to Cite
Camezzana, D., Capasso, V., Mora, A. S., & Sáez, M. (2022). Bodies and affections in pandemic. Experiences of fear. Sociohistórica, (50), e171.
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