Dossier Presentation "Citizen Representations on the political management of the pandemic in Argentina. Narratives, cleavages, positions and experiences (2020-2022)”

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Olga N. Bracco
Verónica Capasso
Federico González
Jessica Miño Chiappino
María Belén Morris
Pedro Porta Fernández
Mariana Sáez


This dossier is based on some of the data compiled by the Network of the National Collaborative Study of Representations on the Pandemic in Argentina (ENCRESPA), within the framework of the Project “Identities, experiences and social discourses in conflict around the pandemic and post-pandemic: a multidimensional study on the uncertainties, hatreds, solidarities, care and unequal expectations in all the regions of Argentina” that is part of the “Research Program of the Contemporary Argentine Society (PISAC). The social and human sciences in the COVID-19 crisis” (R+D+i Agency). It is carried out by the members of the research teams that belong to the FaHCE-UNLP node and the IEC-CONADU node and it is proposed to take some of the conclusions reached in the project from four of the thematic subnetworks: education, body, beliefs and ideologies, identities and political passions. In particular, this collective work aims to carry out an analysis of political perceptions and identifications in relation to the political management of the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, identifying narratives, cleavages, positions and experiences that cross them in this context.


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How to Cite
Bracco , O. N., Capasso, . V., González, F., Miño Chiappino, . J., Morris, M. B., Porta Fernández, . P., & Sáez, . M. (2022). Dossier Presentation "Citizen Representations on the political management of the pandemic in Argentina. Narratives, cleavages, positions and experiences (2020-2022)”. Sociohistórica, (50), e169.
Dosier: Representaciones ciudadanas sobre la gestión política de la pandemia en Argentina. Narrativas, clivajes, posicionamientos y experiencias (2020-2022)


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