The representations of Rosas in the press during the first half of the 20th century (1927–1954)

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Leandro Nicolás Pankonin


In this paper we will analyze a series of seven surveys that had the figure of Juan Manuel de Rosas as a central topic of debate, published in different newspapers and magazines in Argentina between 1927 and 1954. The approach to these sources, understood as a series, has provided us with an accumulation of clues to reflect on the movements and ups and downs that have arisen around the ways of representing Rosas over almost three decades, as well as the circulation, legitimacy and tensions that these representations charged in each concrete conjuncture. Finally, we are interested, through this investigation, to leave open the question about what could have been the impacts that this important circulation of images of Rosas had in the face of subsequent decades.


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How to Cite
Pankonin, L. N. (2022). The representations of Rosas in the press during the first half of the 20th century (1927–1954). Sociohistórica, (49), e162.


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