La reconfiguración de las identidades "nacional populares". Los puentes discursivos para la inserción de tres tradiciones polí­ticas en el espacio "transversal kirchnerista"

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Mauricio Schuttenberg


This article attempts to analyze the articulation with Néstor Kirchner's government of a group of organizations that during the 1990's had opposed the neoliberal model and the delegative political system of Menem's period. The study retrieves the history of the organizations and allows us to understand that the political dynamics beginning in 2003 is not a cooptation nor a rupture with revolutionary objectives, but a process of building and reconstruction of "national popular" identities, in which long term historicity of these organizations is at stake in a new context. We intend to develop a long-term perspective of the changes in the organizations' identities in order to capture the elements of continuity and the precedents that correspond with further developments and political positions


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How to Cite
Schuttenberg, M. (2011). La reconfiguración de las identidades "nacional populares". Los puentes discursivos para la inserción de tres tradiciones polí­ticas en el espacio "transversal kirchnerista". Sociohistórica, (28). Retrieved from