El liberalismo conservador y la ideologí­a del Proceso de Reorganización Nacional

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Sergio Morresi


This article aims to show that the political ideas of the selfnamed "National Reorganization Process -Proceso de Reorganización Nacional [PRN]" -were structured within the ideological frame offered by conservative-liberalism. Through the study of some of the ideologicalpromoters of the PRN, it is argued that conservative-liberalism served as merger of the different types of argentinian rights and laid the foundations for the neoliberal ideas that were impelled afer the dictatorship period


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Morresi, S. (2010). El liberalismo conservador y la ideologí­a del Proceso de Reorganización Nacional. Sociohistórica, (27). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/n27a04