Ideas fascistas en Mendoza: El caso del periódico Crónica durante la Revolución de Junio

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Mariana Garzón Rogé


In order to contribute to the understanding of discourses and political practices of groups that sympathized with fascism in Argentina, this article presents a local case study during the June Revolution: that of the newspaper Crónica of Mendoza. An approach of this type invites to reflect on two main issues. On the one hand, about the particular adaptation of European ideas in the context of Argentinean provinces face to an especially conflictive conjuncture as was the one of the end of the conservative era and Perón's rise to power. on the other hand, the interest resides in improving the comprehension of the ideological climate in which peronism emerged. Three main issues addressed in the newspaper are analyzed: the end of the Second World War, the June Revolution and the social question


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Garzón Rogé, M. (2010). Ideas fascistas en Mendoza: El caso del periódico Crónica durante la Revolución de Junio. Sociohistórica, (27). Retrieved from