La guerra revolucionaria del PRT-ERP

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Vera Carnovale


After a brief summary of the political and military actions of PRTERP, the article focuses in the so called "militarization process" of the organization. Questioning those interpretations that present 'violence' and 'politics' as opposite terms and that find in the party "deviations" the reasons of the militarization, the author oncludes that the political and military activity of the PRT-ERP was the inevitable consequence of the conjunction of the "prolonged popular war" model and the guevarist legacy. Finally, the article analyzes the subjective implications of the concept of revolutionary war, pointing that the different patterns of the party's discursivity were substantially determinated by the semantics of war


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Carnovale, V. (2010). La guerra revolucionaria del PRT-ERP. Sociohistórica, (27). Retrieved from