Inflación, transferencias y distribución del ingreso en la Argentina post-convertibilidad: ¿Cómo se gestan y a quiénes benefician?

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Gastón Angel Varesi


The article analyzes how the loads and benefits of the post-convertibility accumulation model [2002-2007] are distributed between class fractions. In this sense, we explore the constitution of a system of income transfers, in which inflation, economic policies and accumulation strategies of economic agents converge in a dynamic process. From a perspective that widens the way of approaching the debate on income distribution, we postulate the conformation of a system of transfers, analysing two connected cores: one linked to transfers operated from the articulation of the economic policies and structural transformations, and another, which is in itself a mechanism of transfer of great relevance and explicative range: inflation. The differential increase of prices affects the capacity of the economic agents to appropriate social income, expressing, in this way, changes in the correlation of forces


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How to Cite
Varesi, G. A. (2009). Inflación, transferencias y distribución del ingreso en la Argentina post-convertibilidad: ¿Cómo se gestan y a quiénes benefician?. Sociohistórica, (26). Retrieved from