El movimiento estudiantil reformista frente al primer episodio de la 'laica o libre' [mayo de 1956]

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Juan Sebastián Califa


May 1956 was the moment when Argentina went through the first episode of the so-called "Laica o Libre" [lay or free] conflict. That was the name given to the struggle between, on the one hand, reformists, who opposed the 28 article of decree 6,408, which entitled private universities to grant degrees that did not need further certification, and, on the other hand, Catholic factions who were in favour of this measure. In this context, a process took place in which students seized both secondary schools and universities by way of protest. This conflict provoked the downfall of catholic national Minister of Education Atlio Dell'Oro Maini and the rectors of the universities of Buenos Aires [UBA] and Córdoba [UNC]. Despite the considerable effects this had on the government of the self-proclaimed "Revolución Libertadora" [Freeing Revolution], little is known about it. In this article I intend to start its study. For that end, I will reconstruct the facts making use of newspapers such as La Nación and La Prensa, among other sources and bibliography. Besides, I will particularly focus my attention on the reformist students at UBA


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Califa, J. S. (2009). El movimiento estudiantil reformista frente al primer episodio de la ’laica o libre’ [mayo de 1956]. Sociohistórica, (26). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/n26a02