The Reforma Universitaria as Kulturkampf. Juan Carlos Portantiero’s Gramscian reading

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Natalia Bustelo


In the recent decade we have witnessed a renewed interest by the first argentine reception of Antonio Gramsci ’s analytics categories. Sharing this interest, the present paper proposes an analysis of the new features of the Gramscian reading of the Reforma Universitaria given by Juan Carlos Portantiero in the seventies. This paper begins by locating the theses of Estudiantes y polí­tica en América Latina. El proceso de la reforma universitaria (1918-1938) in the context of the interpretations of the Reforma, to then reviews the politic-intellectual project in wich Portantiero was involved in the processing time his reading and explicit the meaning thesis.


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Bustelo, N. (2013). The Reforma Universitaria as Kulturkampf. Juan Carlos Portantiero’s Gramscian reading . Sociohistórica, (31). Retrieved from