Debating within. Economic Ideas in the Liberal Antifascist Front in Argentina (1939-1943)

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Jorge Nállim


The article analyzes the economic ideas of a group of political and cultural institutions and publications that came together in an anti-fascist liberal movement in Argentina in 1939-1943, defined by support for the Allies in the world war and opposition to nationalist and anti-liberal groups and to the national government presided by Ramón S. Castillo (1930-1943). In dialog with the new historiography that has revised the interwar years in Argentina, the article argues that the defenseof political and cultural freedoms, the unifying principle of the anti-Fascist front, coexisted with different positions regarding economic liberalism and the process of state intervention in the economy as developed by ruling conservative groups since
1930. In doing so, the text highlights the existence of inter-party coincidences as well as intra-party differences regarding those processes that were frequently obscured by the political conflict of those years


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How to Cite
Nállim, J. (2011). Debating within. Economic Ideas in the Liberal Antifascist Front in Argentina (1939-1943). Sociohistórica, (30). Retrieved from