La soledad de Althusser. La lectura de Maquiavelo como clave de una renovación teórica

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Damián López


This essay investigates Althusser's interpretation of Machiavelli, made in its main traces during the particular context of reorientation and theoretical crisis that the 70's implied for the French philosopher. Thus, the essay analizes the relationship between the growing-up of Machiavelli as a referent and the rethinking of a theoretical field in crisis. Here, both the texts' production context and the continuity of some theoretical tensions [in fact, their displacemet to other new theoretical tensions] allow us to understand more precisely the 'last Althusser' [his work of the 80's]. Some main topics of this article are: the relationship between political theory and political practice, the conception of politics and history, the revision of the agent's problem from the problem of political action, the significant place occupied by Machiavelli in the 'aleatory materialism' that Althusser proposed in his last years as a theoretical alternative


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How to Cite
López, D. (2008). La soledad de Althusser. La lectura de Maquiavelo como clave de una renovación teórica. Sociohistórica, (25). Retrieved from