El PRT-ERP y la lucha por la libertad de los presos polí­ticos, 1971-1973

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Ariel Eidelman


This work analyses political repression of revolutionary militancy by the military regime and the situation of political prisoners in Argentina between 1971 and 1973. It also analyses the principal features of repressive legislation. It mainly makes reference to several initiatives taken by the PRT-ERP regarding its imprisoned militants and especially the creation of a Committee for the relatives of political, students and union prisoners. We want to highlight the large scope of activities of defense and solidarity with political prisoners developed by a group of organizations as an outstanding but not recognized precedent for the creation of the human rights movement of Argentina in 1975-1976


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How to Cite
Eidelman, A. (2008). El PRT-ERP y la lucha por la libertad de los presos polí­ticos, 1971-1973. Sociohistórica, (25). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SHn25a01