El exilio chileno : Rí­o profundo de la cultura iberoamericana

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Carmen Norambuena


Despite all its negative consequences, the Chilean Diaspora after the 1973 military coup also gave rise to an impressive cultural phenomenon that inspired a flourishing of the arts and literature that attracted the interest of scholars from several disciplines. Among the thousands of Chilean exiles there was a relevant group made up of writers, painters, sculptors, craftsmen, musicians, actors, scientists and academics from different fields and disciplines. Chilean theatre groups and musicians performed all around the world. Chilean painters, sculptors and photographers exhibited their work in the most important cities of the US and Europe; many of these artists could also sell their work as part of solidarity campaigns. These activities provided many of these exiles the income to survive while living abroad.


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How to Cite
Norambuena, C. (2007). El exilio chileno : Rí­o profundo de la cultura iberoamericana. Sociohistórica, (23-24). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SHn23-24a06