El control social sobre los docentes durante la última dictadura militar. Un análisis de los sumarios administrativos en la provincia de Buenos Aires, 1976-1983

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Laura Graciela Rodríguez


This article analyses the policies of social control toward teachers developed by the military dictatorship of 1976-1983, as well as the behavior of the actors who were responsible for carrying out that control; for that purpose we focus on the study of administrative indictments made in those years by inspectors in the province of Buenos Aires. Adopting an alternative point of view to the traditional historiography of social control, we pretend to identify the contradictions in the effective operation of the "control apparatus", the agency of the actors occupying intermediate positions inside the State and the various ways in whyich this control was daily exerted.


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Rodríguez, L. G. (2006). El control social sobre los docentes durante la última dictadura militar. Un análisis de los sumarios administrativos en la provincia de Buenos Aires, 1976-1983. Sociohistórica, (21-22). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SHn21-22a05