Difusión de ámbitos privilegiados de acumulación en la historia argentina reciente. Intervención económica estatal y comportamiento empresario, 1966-1989

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Ana Gabriela Castellani


An attentive look at the Argentine history of the last decades of the 20th century clearly shows the existence of three connected facts_ the persistent difficulty to create a standard of sustainable development, the progressive deterioration of capacities and levels of State relative autonomy and, finally, the consolidation of a reduced group of big corporations that accumulate mor and more material and social poyer. In this article I analyze the connection between state intervention, business corporation behavior and spreading of accumulation privileged spaces, and I establish the consequences of this articulation on the profile and performance of the several fractions that form the business elite's heads, between 1966 and 1989. This research has two hypotheses: a) state economic intervention and business corporation practices favored the spread of accumulation privileged spaces; and b) the spread of these spaces allowed the consolidation of a group of corporations closely connected with the state-private economic complex.


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How to Cite
Castellani, A. G. (2006). Difusión de ámbitos privilegiados de acumulación en la historia argentina reciente. Intervención económica estatal y comportamiento empresario, 1966-1989. Sociohistórica, (21-22). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SHn21-22a02