Narrar el terrorismo de Estado. De los hechos a la denuncia pública: el caso de la "noche de los lápices"

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Sandra María Raggio


This paper analyzes the farm in which one of the most recognized and emblematic cases or repression during the last military dictatorship in Argentina, the night o the pencils, was constructed. It investigates the original its name, the accounts of people and events, and how it was made public. From this analysis this paper considers in turn the processes or social construction about experience under dictatorship in times or democracy and the different narratives produced.


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How to Cite
Raggio, S. M. (2005). Narrar el terrorismo de Estado. De los hechos a la denuncia pública: el caso de la "noche de los lápices". Sociohistórica, (17-18). Retrieved from