Los fantasmas de la "convergencia cí­vico-militar". Las Fuerzas Armadas frente a la salida polí­tica durante la última dictadura militar (Argentina, 1976-1981)

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Paula Vera Canelo


The present work analyzes the political plans kept and elaborated by different militarycivilian factions during the 1976 military dictatorship in Argentina. It identifies the various features of the most recent military dictatorship the examination of the source or these plans, the analysis of their content, the monitoring of their destination in the process of "compatibilization" and their comparison with the proposed final result. Features include, for example, internal fragmentation and the impossibility or arriving at a minimal internal consensus around the terms and the objectives of a controlled political exit.


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How to Cite
Canelo, P. V. (2005). Los fantasmas de la "convergencia cí­vico-militar". Las Fuerzas Armadas frente a la salida polí­tica durante la última dictadura militar (Argentina, 1976-1981). Sociohistórica, (17-18). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SHn17-18a03