Hegemoní­a y contrahegemoní­a en la América Latina de hoy. Apuntes hacia una nueva época

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Daniel Campione


The unfolding on the Latin American present of the Gramsci's problematic of the hegemony, demands so much a elucidation of errors and simplifications in the use of the original category, like an historical review of the social and cultural evolution of the continent. The structure of class, the ways of the social and political fight, the organizational configuration and the subjectivity of the fighters, have been modified deeply in these years, framed by an offensive of strategic reach of the great capital. Gramsci's conceptions can (they must) constitute a fundamental aid at the time of returning to think about a perspective of radical social transformation, that eludes the double risk of the adaptation to the existing order, in an end, and a ®head-on collision ¼ against which exchange real effectiveness by programmatic radicalism. Will be there tools to critically examine the past and the present of the thought and the transformer practices of our continent; and to project them in the direction of its future perspective.


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How to Cite
Campione, D. (2005). Hegemoní­a y contrahegemoní­a en la América Latina de hoy. Apuntes hacia una nueva época. Sociohistórica, (17-18). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SHn17-18a01