Hollywood y Eisenstein filman multitudes: Representaciones cinematográficas de la conciencia social y la experiencia de clase

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Elina Mercedes Tranchini


The article analyzes the filmic representations of social consciousness and class experience, in several series of European and Hollywood classical films that put on the stage social collective subjects and social conflicts. Which are the possibilities and scope of visual and filmic representation of theoretical cathegories of social sciences? To answer this question, the article considers the homogenization of crowds in the epic silent cinema of crowds, in the epic-historical Italian cinema produced during fascism, and in the historical American superproductions of the fifties. Finally, it examines the filmic emergence of the historical subject ïproletariatï in the Russian cinema of the avant-garde of the twenties, and its specific concern to film the revolutionnary consciousness and the conflicts of concientization.


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How to Cite
Tranchini, E. M. (2004). Hollywood y Eisenstein filman multitudes: Representaciones cinematográficas de la conciencia social y la experiencia de clase. Sociohistórica, (15-16). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SHn15-16a05