Intellectuals and Catholic culture: some methodological and conceptual problems

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José Zanca


This brief essay aims to show some of the methodological and conceptual problems facing the history of 20th century Catholic intellectuals, bearing in mind that it is a field in permanent dialogue with sociology and anthropology. The work supposes that the study of this segment of the intelligentsia is a privileged means to understand the complex Argentine Catholic culture and its interaction with political life. It attempts to expose the changes in the instruments of analysis of the history of Catholicism, from pioneering work in the 1990s to the present day. It proposes, in this sense, that the history of Catholic culture has followed a path similar to that of other subfields: from a stimulated approach from political history, the history of religion has been finding its own questions, to the point of developing a methodology that, without being original, has been consolidated into unique nuances.


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Zanca, J. (2021). Intellectuals and Catholic culture: some methodological and conceptual problems. Sociohistórica, (47), e127.


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