An unstable consensus: the neutrality issue in the press and the public opinion of Buenos Aires during the beginning of the Great War

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Emiliano Gastón Sánchez


This article analyzes the place occupied by the question of neutrality in the press and public opinion of Buenos Aires during the beginning of the Great War. The campaign in defense of state neutrality lets warn the pressures exerted on the call “neutralist consensus” and the complications that the Argentine government had to face to maintain its position against the contest. At the same time, the analysis of this problem through a vast set of newspapers allows to detect the existence of certain "uses" of neutrality by some sectors of the press that, covered in a supposed defense of neutrals, covered up very biased claims against European powers (in particular, against Germany) but also for criticism of the conservative government of Victorino de la Plaza.


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Sánchez, E. G. (2020). An unstable consensus: the neutrality issue in the press and the public opinion of Buenos Aires during the beginning of the Great War. Sociohistórica, (46), e113.


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