From the street to the palace. The parliamentary resolution of the conflict over the Income Tax (2016)

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Damian Corral
Gabriela Wyczykier


The article analyzes the sociopolitical conflict around the Income Tax, that occurred during the second term of Cristina F. de Kirchner and the first year of management of the Alianza Cambiemos, paying particular attention to the last phase of the dispute that took place in 2016, where the claim was moved "from the street to the palace", after a succession of collective actions addressed by a part of the trade union movement. This process will be approached from three central dimensions: the relationship of the unions with the government of Mauricio Macri, the reconfiguration of the parliamentary alliances and the modifications made in the tribute in the legislative enclosure. The arguments worked arise from a qualitative research and sociopolitical orientation. The text reflects on a conflict of substantive presence in the political and trade union agenda, while examining the reconfiguration of parliamentary alliances in the era Cambiemos



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Corral, D., & Wyczykier, G. (2020). From the street to the palace. The parliamentary resolution of the conflict over the Income Tax (2016). Sociohistórica, (46), e111.


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