Journalists, criminals and screens. The Argentine film noir and its relationship with the press during Peronism
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In the present article we propose to analyze three films made during the first Peronism that expose the link between journalism, the State and the cinema. We investigate the way in which certain elements of urban modernity affect the composition of the films, and the way in which they are linked to a specific cycle of world cinematography such as black cinema. Through the study of Apenas un delincuente (Hugo Fregonese, 1949), Edición extra (Luis Moglia Barth, 1949) and Captura recomendada (Don Napy, 1950), we will try to shed light on the thread developed between the press and the government of Juan Domingo Perón, considering those aspects that influenced the tension between authoritarianism and freedom of the press and company, and the way in which those conflicts are represented in the films.
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