Trabalhadores, empresas e movimento sindical na ditadura militar brasileira (1964-1985): fontes e métodos

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Heliene Nagasava
Larissa R. Corrêa


This article aims to analyze the impact of the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985) on the labor movement. Besides, we also seek to map documents available to investigate the role of companies as collaborators of that authoritarian regime. From the description of the archives we suggest a methodological reflection on how to understand the history of military dictatorship from a social history perspective, that is, “from below”. Lastly, this study seeks to establish a dialogue with the set of research conducted on workers and trade union movement by the Brazilian Truth Commission (2011 to 2014) thinking about the possibilities to deeper the analyses and the conclusions already done by this governmental Commission.


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Nagasava, H., & Corrêa, L. R. (2019). Trabalhadores, empresas e movimento sindical na ditadura militar brasileira (1964-1985): fontes e métodos. Sociohistórica, (44), e092.