Empresarios entre dictaduras. Prácticas, imaginarios y la agenda de la corporación empresarial para un “mañana industrial” en Bahía Blanca (1966-1983) Prácticas, imaginarios y la agenda de la corporación empresarial para un “mañana industrial” en Bahía Blanca (1966-1983)
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In this article we propose to reconstruct a set of practices, discourses, representations and agendas of the business sector of the city of Bahía Blanca, between 1966-1973 and 1976-1983.
In the first place, we will present who made up the business elite at the time, and what role they played in relation to the industrial development projects in effect during these years at the local level. We will reconstruct the concretion instances of said economic / productive projects in the city's agenda, between the 60's and 70's. Secondly, we will analyze diverse practices of business actors during the last military dictatorship, their links with the local military power of sub-zone 51 and their role regarding the so-called "anti-subversive struggle" in relation to the search for social consensus and forms of discipline labor.
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