The territory as a confluence place. Struggles for urban habitat during the democratic recovery in Cordoba city (1982-1987)

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Leticia Medina


Based on the analysis of documentary archives, state and journalistic sources and oral interviews, it is proposed a historical reading on the mobilization in defense of the urban habitat in Cordoba during the last democratic recovery, taking into account the interactions between different actors, the articulation of demands , the resources mobilized, the repertoires put in play and the meanings granted by the actors – as well as the justifications that took public status – regarding their own initiatives and the characteristics of the context.
It is argued that the habitat formed a field of experiences in which disruptive actions, normalizing initiatives, party proposals and styles of participation from below in the institutional places were combined and coexisted, impelling and expanding the ongoing processes of democratization. The experience of the struggle for habitat also offers suggestive clues to advance in reflections on the tension between social and political in collective action.


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Medina, L. (2018). The territory as a confluence place. Struggles for urban habitat during the democratic recovery in Cordoba city (1982-1987). Sociohistórica, (42), e056.


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