A Marxist theory of trade unions? Balance plus inventory to think about workers’ organizations

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Luciana Zorzoli


There are a series of definitions of what trade unions are that havebeenassociated with political currents or prominent theoreticians within Marxism.This article proposes to discuss the challenges presented by a conceptualization that hasnot always been integraland consistent, covering the works of the classic authors and some of the fundamental contributions of the theoretical body built by Marxism.
With that objective in the article, we review how the origin and tasks of the unions were understood for Marx and Engels; how these conceptualizations were appropriate and reinterpreted by Marxists of the twentieth century, also presenting the most current approaches that allow us to glimpse a synthesis in the theoretical developments on worker organizations. The main objective is to make a balance from an inventory that allows to display the tools that this traditionpossesses in order to think about the workers' organizations and leave a road map for future inquiries.


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Zorzoli, L. (2018). A Marxist theory of trade unions? Balance plus inventory to think about workers’ organizations. Sociohistórica, (41), e046. https://doi.org/10.24215/18521606e046


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