Encouraging heresy, fighting against dogma. Cultural debates in the cuban revolution (1959-1964)

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Leonardo Martín Candiano


The present work examines the cultural debates arose in the first years of the Cuban Revolution through a critical analysis of reflections published by intellectuals integrated into that revolutionary process between 1959 and 1964. Moreover, this text establishes contact points between those studies appearing before and after the declaration of the Revolution socialist nature. Such debates allow us to learn about one of the process ´ characteristics at its beginnings: the wide call of intellectuals to be joined to the cultural administration of the island, situation which provides coherence to the heterogeneity of postures towards the esthetic work present in the heart of the Revolution. From this perspective, the text discusses interpretations that affirm the cultural and ideological uniformity of Cuba from its entry into the socialist orbit, and offers a critical dialogue with studies referred to this issue.
This study was performed from a qualitative and synchronic research method and through a documentation work that included primary and secondary sources. Debates were systematized by employing tools of textual criticism, of comparatism and theoretical and critical approaches. The work was also combined with a cultural and historical perspective that allowed the examined polemics to be framed in their specific temporal context.


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Candiano, L. M. (2018). Encouraging heresy, fighting against dogma. Cultural debates in the cuban revolution (1959-1964). Sociohistórica, (41), e043. https://doi.org/10.24215/18521606e043


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