The National Fund for the Arts and the argentine short film. Cultural and aesthetic modernization
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This paper addresses the study of the link between the Fondo Nacional de las Artes and modern short film within the reconfiguration of the Argentine cultural field between the mid-fifties and the seventies. In the first place, notions such as época (Gilman, 2003), década larga (Jameson, 1997) and other conceptualizations towards characterizing the dynamism, modernization and politicization of the cultural field at global and national terms are used. In a second instance local paradigmatic examples of aesthetic renewal in different artistic disciplines are explored. Finally, the role of promotion and dissemination of short films carried out by the FNA is analyzed in order to introduce the textual analysis of a corpus of short films produced by this organism. The central features shared by Argentine modern short films and general cultural field will be therefore appreciated, where aesthetic experimentation predominates on social commitment.
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