A contribution to the study of the relationship between unionism and kirchnerism

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Clara Marticorena


After the economic, social and political crisis of convertibility in Argentina, policies deployed by N. Kirchner's government contributed to re-legitimite political system from the construction of a hegemonic political project, in alliance with unions, particularly with sectors that had resisted neoliberal policies in the '90s. This alliance has gone into crisis by the end of 2010, and openly expressed in 2012. In this paper we aim to rebuilt the general features of the relation between kirchnerismo and unionism from the analysis of labour policy and changes to the workers movement and labour forces


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Marticorena, C. (2015). A contribution to the study of the relationship between unionism and kirchnerism. Sociohistórica, (36). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SH2015n36a04