Representations and political discourses in “Montoneros Sabino Navarro”. An approach from the borders

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Luciana Seminara


This article will address the political and social context of Argentina in the early seventies focusing his gaze on certain publications linked to the Peronist armed organizations by trying to view the discourses and representations made by them. We therefore performed a selection that foremost is cropped from the magazine “Puro Pueblo”, linked to the organization Montoneros Sabino Navarro. The main objective was to visualize and analyze possible connections, dialogues and comparisons from various political speeches through the object-magazine as a device of political intervention


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How to Cite
Seminara, L. (2014). Representations and political discourses in “Montoneros Sabino Navarro”. An approach from the borders. Sociohistórica, (34). Retrieved from