Right-wing Argentine Nationalism in the Early Sixties and the Cuban Revolution: Readings of the Weekly Azul y Blanco

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María Valeria Galván


After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the nationalist weekly Azul y Blanco, edited by Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, introduced a regular analysis of the Cuban issue. This represented a change in the weekly, mainly committed to local Argentine politics. However, this periodical –founded in 1956, in direct opposition to the radically antiperonist and authoritarian administration of the second presidency of the “Revolución Libertadora”– introduced the analysis of the regional repercussions of the cold war as a strategy to come back, through comparison, to the local politics. Thus, as an opponent of the new presidency of Arturo Frondizi and bearing in mind its corporatist programme, Azul y Blanco used the Cuban situation as an excuse to prevent against the soviet regional influence and the intromission of communist ideas in the Argentine working class


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Galván, M. V. (2014). Right-wing Argentine Nationalism in the Early Sixties and the Cuban Revolution: Readings of the Weekly Azul y Blanco. Sociohistórica, (34). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SH2014n34a03