The changing limits between the political and the social: ethnographic contributions to the debate about “el 2001” in Argentina

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María Cecilia Ferraudi Curto


In Argentina, disciplinary conceptions of politics have been challenged by “el 2001”. The ethnographies about processes of statalization of neighborhoods written in these years may be understood as an answer to this challenge. Specially, ethnographic research has discussed the normative assumptions tacitly introduced in certain dichotomies: social movements / patronage, autonomy / cooptation, resistance / subordination, new / old, project / urgency. These ethnographies usually focus on the events experienced by the researcher, concentrating on present times. When read comparatively, however, they seem to evocate a certain order among differences which I pretend to understand from a historical outlook. More precisely, I am interested in further developing our comprehension of “el 2001” according to the experiences of politics of the people described in these ethnographies. As a privileged point to elaborate the comparison, I analyze how different people define their practices connecting “work”, “neighborhood” and “politics”.


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How to Cite
Ferraudi Curto, M. C. (2014). The changing limits between the political and the social: ethnographic contributions to the debate about “el 2001” in Argentina. Sociohistórica, (34). Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Cecilia Ferraudi Curto, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Universidad Nacional de San Martín - Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales (UNSAM-IDAES)

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales (IDES-UNGS). Se desempeña como investigadora en CONICET desde una línea centrada en análisis etnográficos de la política en barrios periféricos de Buenos Aires. También dicta cursos de grado en las licenciaturas en sociología y antropología en el IDAES-UNSAM.

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