Peronist unionism during the “onganiato”. From the CGT de los Argentinos to the union reorganization (1968-1970)

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Darío Dawyd


The present paper we analyze the crisis of the peronist identity in the sixties, in the frame of the military repression and the radicalizations of the Argentine politics. We reconstruct the period with academic bibliography but specially with newspapers, magazines, and unions files. We aim to contribute to the reconstruction of the reformulation of political identities within Peronism, which allows us to understand, also, the experience of the CGT de los Argentinos, the CGT Azopardo and the participacionismo, as different institutional anchorages of the union identities into dispute.


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Dawyd, D. (2014). Peronist unionism during the “onganiato”. From the CGT de los Argentinos to the union reorganization (1968-1970). Sociohistórica, (33). Retrieved from