Centralization of repression, parastatal violence and international networks repressive parastatal in predictatorial Mendoza

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Laura Rodriguez Aguero


During the third Peronist government (1973-1976) began to mount the device repressive marked the eve of state terrorism carried out by the military dictatorship in 1976. In Mendoza, parastatal violence was carried out by the CAM (Command Anti Comunist Mendoza), and Pius XII Moralizador Command. In this paper we propose to make from the use of written sources, and the testimony of some survivors, a reconstruction of the parastatal actions in order to analyze ,on one hand, how there were constituted the local dynamics and relationship networks involved in repression and inflection November 1975 involving the centralization of repression; and on the other hand, how it manifest the international nature of repression and the idea of the "internal enemy " in Mendoza , starting from the hypothesis that it acquired unprecedented proportions due to its border province and its proximity to Chile, in a moment of joint repressive networks in the Southern Cone .


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Rodriguez Aguero, L. (2014). Centralization of repression, parastatal violence and international networks repressive parastatal in predictatorial Mendoza. Sociohistórica, (33). Retrieved from https://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/SH2014n33a02