Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission file is a DOC document (OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format or compatible) containing the full text, figures and references, ready to be used for reviewing.
  • Co-authored articles (2 or more authors) carry the Authorship Declaration (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) or collaboration role of each participant (available at http://vocabularios.caicyt.gov.ar/credit/es/index.php?tema=15&/roles-de-colaboracion or https://credit.niso.org/).
  • All documentary sources cited are duly noted in the list of References in APA 7 format. There are no entries in the list of references that do not correspond to the quoted texts.
  • All references cited are duly recorded. Web addresses for references have been added where possible.
  • The text has not been previously published.

Authors guidelines

Sociohistórica. Cuadernos del CISH publishes original and previously unpublished articles, communications, critical and bibliographic reviews and bibliographic critical reviews, which address issues related to the analysis of socioeconomic and political issues, cultural studies and the analysis of the labor movement, from the point of view of the Argentine and Latin American society. This publication also gathers articles that reflect theoretical-methodological debates in the field of Social Sciences.

The policy on rights, dissemination and indexing is detailed in About this journal

1. Manuscript submission

Sociohistórica. Cuadernos del CISH accepts unpublished works in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

All manuscripts must be produced in a word processor with a standard format (page size A4; margin size 2.5 cm on all sides; font size 11; line spacing 1.5).Ediciones de la FaHCE uses AMELICA Marcador XML to normalize and lay out publication formats. The maximum number of pages allowed for a manuscript varies depending on the type of contribution, as follows:

  •  Original and unpublished research articles and working papers: up to 25 pages.
  • Communications, critical reviews and commentaries: between 10 and 15 pages.
  • Reviews: between 2 and 5 pages.

All text (including title, authors, affiliation, etc.) shall be left-aligned, and not centered. Avoid block capitals, bold, italicized, or underlined text, etc., except for the format allowed for highlighting (see Section 6 below).


2. Title page

  • a. Title of the article in the language of the text: it must be representative of the content, if possible no longer than 10 words. If necessary, a subtitle of similar length can be added. [In reviews, the title shall include complete Author and Title Review with all the editorial data of the book reviewed.]
  • b. Author's name and surname
    Name of Institution
    Email address
    ORCID if available
    [If there are multiple authors, repeat these lines as necessary.]
  • c. Title in English
    [If articles are submitted in Portuguese, the title, abstract and keywords must also be included in Spanish and English.]


3. Anonymous title page

  • a. Title and subtitle in the language of the text, as indicated in 2.a.
  • b. Translated title and subtitle, as indicated in 2.c.

This title page will be the only one sent to the reviewers, therefore the authors, their affiliation and address will be omitted.


4. Abstract and keywords

On a separate page, an abstract of up to 200 words will be written in the language of the text. In the case of original research articles, research notes and case studies, the objective, methodology, results and conclusions shall be indicated in the abstract, duly summarized. In the case of essays, review articles or states of the art, the main aspects covered in the text will be included in the abstract.

Keywords: Up to 5 keywords with initial capital letter, separated with commas. Use concepts which are helpful in indexing and finding your work.

Abstract: Texts in Spanish and Portuguese must include abstract and keywords in English. In the case of texts in English, abstract and keywords must be presented in Spanish.


5. Text

a. Body of article: Paragraphing. Subtitles or sections can be included; the articles will be divided into the sections that the authors deem appropriate, making sure that the research articles include an introductory section and a conclusion. For referencing, follow the instructions detailed below. When including tables, graphs or images, identify them with numbers in order to refer to them in the body of the text.

b. Notes: For notes, use the command “Insert Endnote” and place them after the orthographic signs. Including extensive text in the notes is discouraged. Notes shall not be used to place only bibliographic citations.

c. Citation rules: In-text citation:

  • If quotes are under 40 words, they will be placed in quotation marks. If quotes are 40 words or more, they will be written in a separate paragraph, with greater indentation from the left margin, without quotation marks, separated from the previous and subsequent text with a space.
  • Author, year of publication and page cited will be indicated: (Author's last name, year of publication, "p." and page number on which the quoted text is located). Example: (López, 1996, p. 125). If the author's surname is mentioned in the text, only year, "p." and page number may be entered: Example: López affirms in his book (1996, p. 125).
  • If an article has two authors, both names will be cited every time the citation occurs in the text.
  • Footnotes or endnotes will never be used solely for indicating bibliographic reference.
  • It is recommended not to overuse quotations.

d. In-text citations: The surname of the author, or the acronym of the institutional author, followed by a comma and the year of publication, will be indicated in brackets. For example: (Mannino, 2005), (AAHE, 2006). For seven or more authors, the first one followed by "et al." shall be indicated. Example: (Golubic et al., 2008). When two or more papers are quoted, they shall be separated by semicolons: (Kaplan, 2008; Neuberger and Counsell, 2002; Buela Casal et al., 2006). When author and year coincide, the articles shall be distinguished with a letter: (Zeng and Zummer, 2009a, 2009b).

All the references cited in the text will form the list of Bibliographic references located at the end of the article. Only those references used in the development of the article according to the APA 6 style of citation shall be included. Examples are given in Section 7.


6. References from documentary sources

In the case of non-bibliographic or scientific sources which cannot be referenced according to APA, they can be cited or referenced in abbreviated form as a footnote, and in their complete form at the end of the article in a list of “Documentary sources used”. All the data that is available to reference the material (author, title, description of the material, compilation, classification number, box number, file number or name, etc.) will be recorded. Name and location of the repository.


7. Bibliographic references

For the listing of references, Sociohistórica accepts the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA 6). The APA style of citation can be found in the Guía para citas y referencias - Ediciones de la FaHCE

Most journals with a digital version offer SUGGESTED CITATION as a model for referencing. Many reference portals offer an "Export citation" tool which allows authors to copy the citation in APA format and paste it in the article. A summary is provided below:
When an author is quoted more than once, their last name shall be repeated; dashes will not be used to avoid repetition. Entries by repeated authors are sorted by the year of publication, placing the oldest first. In the case of the same author with the same year of publication, the letters a, b, c, etc., in lowercase will be used immediately after the year within the brackets. This must be pointed out in the development of the article.
Book: Last name followed by comma and the initial of the name (or names) prefixed by a comma. 

Book: Last name followed by comma and the initial of the name (or names) prefixed by a comma.
Author, A. (year). Book title. Publisher location: Publisher. [If citing online version add: Retrieved from https://www.xxxxxxxxx]
Compiler, C. (Comp.). (year). Book title. Publisher location: Publisher.


Zanetti, S. (2002). La dorada garra de la lectura: Lectoras y lectores de novela en América Latina. Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo.

Solas, S. (Comp.) (2018). Actas del Coloquio Internacional Sobre el pensamiento de Merleau-Ponty (2016: La Plata). La Plata: UNLP-FAHCE. Retrieved from https://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/105

Book chapter: No quotation marks are used for the chapter title. It shall be used (pp. xx-xx) to indicate pages and “In” to enter the title of the book.
Author, A. (year). Chapter title. In B. Editor's last name (Ed.), Book title (pp. xxx). Publisher location: Publisher. [if citing online version add: Retrieved from https://www.xxxxxxxxx]


Vidal, A. (2018). Ciencia, filosofía y naturaleza en el último Merleau-Ponty. In S. Solas (Comp.), Actas del Coloquio Internacional Sobre el pensamiento de Merleau-Ponty (2016: La Plata) (pp. 153-167). La Plata: UNLP-FAHCE. Retrieved from https://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/105

Articles in periodicals and Journals: If the journal includes volume, it must be written in italics and then, in brackets, the issue number of the publication shall be indicated without italics and in Arabic numerals, without spaces between one and the other. If the journal includes no volume, the issue number must be indicated in Arabic numerals, in italics without brackets. If the journal is electronic or includes a digital version, the URL or DOI (digital object identifier) that will identify the digital object must be indicated. Do not use abbreviation “p.” at indicating pages in journal references. Do not use “In” when entering the journal title.

  • In the case of print journals, or when the pages are available:

Author, A. (year). Title of the article. Publication title, volume (issue number), xx-xxx.

Pastormerlo, S. (1997). Sobre la lectura del adorable catálogo. Borges crítico de los clásicos. Orbis Tertius, 2(5), 23-28.

  • Digital publications with DOI

Author, A. A. (year). Title of the article. Publication title, x(xx), xx-xx. doi.org/10.xxx.xxx

Cid-Aguayo, B., Vanhulst, J. and Rojas, C. (2019). Retroinnovación y sustentabilidad socioecológica: el caso de quesos campesinos de leche cruda en el Golfo de Arauco, Chile. Mundo Agrario, 20(44), e119. https://doi.org/10.24215/15155994e119

  • Digital publications without DOI but with URL

Author, A. A. (year). Title of the article. Publication title, x (xx), xx-xx. Retrieved from http://xxx.xxx.xxx

Montenegro, R. (2020). Desvíos de la imaginación crítica. Ucronía y ficción política en Rodolfo Fogwill. Badebec, 9(18), 1-19. Retrieved from https://revista.badebec.org/index.php/badebec/article/view/448


8. Other elements in the text

a. Table: They shall be numbered consecutively and with Arabic numerals. They will be referenced from the text (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Each table must have its own title at the top. Each column shall also indicate the column title.

b. Figures: All illustrations (photographs, diagrams, graphs, drawings, etc.) will be designated by the term "Figure" and will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. They shall be referenced from the text: (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Figures shall be presented in image files (JPG, GIF, etc.), of good quality. It should be considered that, in the printed version, the figures will appear in black and white. On a separate page, the captions of the figures duly identified with their number shall be included.

c. Acknowledgements: Not mandatory. If necessary, they shall be included at the end of the text, before the bibliographic references and they shall be brief. Authors are responsible for requesting the necessary permissions to mention the names of individuals or organizations that they believe deserve appreciation.

d. Abbreviations: Abbreviations will be clarified the first time they are used in the text, for example: United Nations (UN). From this clarification onwards, only the abbreviation will be used. It is recommended not to overuse them.

e. Units of measurement: All measurement units will be expressed in units of the decimal metric system. The units shall be indicated by the symbols accepted by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (http://www.bipm.org/en/bipm/), for example: cm, m, h, g, kg (centimeter, meter, hour, gram, kilogram). Note that these are symbols and not abbreviations, so they are not followed by a period or full stop.

f. Numbers: In texts written in Spanish, the period shall be used as a thousand separator every three digits (2.284, 13.527). The comma shall be used to indicate decimal numbers (17,2 or 3.543,8). Only one decimal place (35,7 and not 37,68) should be indicated.

g. Emphasis: With the exception of the cases indicated in this section, emphasis (in block capitals, bold, italicized, or underlined text) will not be accepted. The only cases allowed are the following: Section titles (Introduction, Methodology, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Bibliographic references, or others): in boldface. Section titles: in regular font. A term which is defined in the text, a neologism or a term in foreign language: in italics.

8. Submission of the manuscript

The files will be named according to the format last name of the first author_year_content. For example:
· Pérez_2010_text
· Pérez_2010_tables
· Pérez_2010_figure 1
· Pérez_2010_figure 2

The article may be submitted in any of the following ways:

a) Sign up in this platform and upload your article in Microsoft Word (.doc) file format as indicated by the system, or

b) Submit your article as an attachment in .doc format by email to cish@fahce.unlp.edu.ar including "Work to be evaluated in Sociohistórica" in the subject line.


9. Editorial process and evaluation system

All manuscripts sent by email to cish@fahce.unlp.edu.ar, or submitted through the journal system (http://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/user/register) are received by the Editorial Assistant Secretariat, which will acknowledge receipt to the author.
The papers are preliminarily evaluated by the Editorial Committee in order to establish if the contents fit within the scope declared by the journal. If this requirement is not met, contributions will not be accepted. When the first evaluation is positive, two external expert reviewers specialized in the area are chosen to assess the submission. The journal uses a double-blind review system: the anonymity of the authors and reviewers is preserved.
The criteria applied by the reviewers in the evaluation are as follows:

  1. Fulfillment of the stated purpose
  2. Relevance and foundations of the contributions
  3. Methodological rigor
  4. Style, terminology and clarity of presentation
  5. Bibliography and sources

There are five possible outcomes of the evaluation:

  1. Accepted with no changes required.
  2. Accepted without substantive changes required.
  3. Accepted with revisions (it will not go through peer review again).
  4. Rejected, yet the authors will be offered the possibility to modify and resubmit the work, subject to re-evaluation.
  5. Rejected, the manuscript being returned to the authors, together with the opinions of the judges.

In outcome "4", the manuscript will be returned to the authors to consider the changes suggested by the reviewers. The submission of the new version must be completed within a period of no more than thirty days. Then the paper will be submitted for approval by the reviewers. A maximum of two rounds of evaluation shall be accepted. When the evaluations are contradictory, the editors will be responsible for sending the paper to a third reviewer.
Once the article has been accepted, the authors will be informed of the volume and issue numbers in which it will be published. The journal charges no fees for publication.